While in office,
public office holders must not allow themselves to be influenced in the exercise of an official power, duty or function by plans for, or offers of, outside employment. Before they leave their position,
reporting public office holders must also disclose all firm offers of outside employment to the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner within seven days after receiving them.
All public office holders are subject to the
Conflict of Interest Act's post-employment rules after they leave public office.
Rules that apply for life for all public office holders and are not subject to any exemption, waiver or reduction include: not taking improper advantage of previous public office,
switching sides, or using information obtained while in office that is not available to the public.
Additional rules apply to reporting public office holders. Depending on their position, former reporting public office holders must observe a one- or two-year cooling-off period. Outlined in more detail in
Part 3 of the Act, this includes rules prohibiting contracting with and making representations to entities with which they had direct and significant official dealings during their last year in office.
The Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner maintains a public registry of publicly declarable information under the Act. The information for ministers, parliamentary secretaries and other reporting public office holders remains in the registry until they have completed their one- or two-year cooling-off period under the Act's post-employment provisions, then is no longer available from the Office. The date a reporting public office holder started post-employment is noted on their entry.