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Ongoing Reporting Requirements for Reporting Public Office Holders

​​​​​Reporting public office holders face a number of ongoing reporting requirements under the Conflict of Interest Act throughout their terms of office.

If they miss reporting deadlines, or do not submit accurate and complete reports, they risk administrative monetary penalties of up to $500.

Annual review: Reporting public office holders must review their disclosures with advisors from the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner every year and update their information. The Office sends them an annual review letter along with a copy of their summary statement, Part 2 of the Act and a questionnaire. Each individual is asked to review their information and advise of any change. If there are changes, an advisor may contact the individual to let them know if there are any measures they must take and whether a new summary statement or declaration is required.

Material changes​: Within 30 days, reporting public office holders must inform the Office o​f any material change to any matter that they were required to disclose during the initial compliance process.

Gifts or other advantages: Reporting public office holders must publicly declare any acceptable gifts or other advantages that they or their family members accept from any one source in a 12-month period with a total value of over $200. The disclosure to the Office must be made within 30 days after the day on which the value exceeds $200. All public office holders must forfeit any gifts received as an expression of courtesy or protocol valued at $1,000 or more; the forfeiture is subject to public disclosure.

Reporting public office holders do not need to publicly declare invitations or other advantages offered by a public sector entity as defined in the Act. This is because they are not considered gifts or other advantages for purposes of the Act. Public sector entities include departments, agencies, and Crown corporations, but not the Senate and the House of Commons.​

Travel: Within 30 days, ministers, ministers of state and parliamentary secretaries must publicly declare any travel on non-commercial chartered or private aircraft accepted for themselves, their families or ministerial staff or advisers. They can only accept such travel if required in their capacity as public office holders, in exceptional circumstances or with the Commissioner’s prior approval.

Recusals: Within 60 days after the day on which the recusal takes place, reporting public office holders must publicly declare any recusal from a discussion, decision, debate or vote on any matter in respect of which they would be in a conflict of interest.

Firm offers of outside employment: Within seven days after receiving them, reporting public office holders must disclose to the Office all firm offers of outside employment.

Acceptance of offers of outside employment: Within seven days after accepting an offer of outside employment, reporting public office holders must disclose it to the Office and their employer.

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