Here’s information you will need if elected!
Please note that the Code does not apply to you while you are a candidate.
If you are elected, the Code will help you, as a Member, avoid conflicts of interest as you serve the public. The Code
sets out rules that you and your family must follow. This includes the confidential disclosure of certain information to the Office. The Code also establishes a procedure for investigating alleged contraventions of these rules.
What information will I have to provide to the Commissioner?
Within 60 days of your name being published in the
Canada Gazette
following your election or re-election as a Member, you will be required to inform the Office about your income, assets, liabilities, and other financial holdings.
The form to provide this information is available
What about my spouse and family?
If you are elected, your spouse and dependent children will also have to provide the same information to the Office within the 60-day period. The same
form can be used.
Will any of this become public?
Only general information will be made public, as required under section 24 of the
Code. You will be assigned an advisor who will prepare a summary of the information requiring public declaration and send it to you for review. Once you have reviewed, signed, and submitted your summary to the Office, it will be posted on the
public registry. The information will be removed when you stop being a Member, for example at the time the next general election is called.
What other information will I have to provide to the Office?
On an ongoing basis, you will have to tell the Office about any changes to your assets or liabilities, outside activities or life changes, such as getting married or having a child.
What about gifts?
There are rules on what sorts of gifts Members of the House of Commons may or may not accept. As a Member, you may be offered consumer goods, invitations to receptions and galas, or tickets to sporting events. All gifts are subject to an acceptability test. Accepted gifts must be publicly declared if they are worth $200 or more.
Will I get any training on the rules?
If elected, you will have 120 days to complete mandatory training on the Code’s rules. The Office has developed a 60-minute self-directed online course to help you fulfill this requirement.
What if I am made a parliamentary secretary or minister?
If you are appointed as a parliamentary secretary or minister, you would have additional requirements under the
Conflict of Interest Act.
For example, you would be prohibited from holding certain types of assets whose value could be affected by government decisions, such as stocks or bonds. Please check the
website for more information about the Act.