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Investigation report summaries


​​​Report an​d release date

​Subject of examination


​Relevant provisions of Act
* Contraventions were found of provisions marked by an asterisk

​​Bloom Report

January 15, 2025

Glen Bloom, former member of the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board

Switching sides by representing a client who had previously appeared before the former public office holder in a related proceeding

Subsection 34(1)

Verschur​​en Report

July 24, 2024

Annette Verschuren, Chairperson, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) 

Participating in certain SDTC funding decisions that furthered her private interests, and others that improperly furthered the private interests of the funding recipients. 

​* Subsection (6(1), Decision-making 

* Section 21, Recusal  

Section 9, Influence​

Ouim​et Report​

July 24, 2024​​

Guy Ouimet, Director, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) 

Participating in SDTC funding decisions that furthered his private interests. 

Subsection (6(1), Decision-making  

Section 21, Recusal 

Fergus Report

February 14, 2023

​Greg Fergus, Parliamentary Secretary

​Writing a letter of support to an administrative tribunal on behalf of a stakeholder.

​* Section 9, Influence​

Report on alleged wrongdoing by the head of a federal organization

January 24, 2023

​Unnamed reporting public office holder

​Interacting in an official capacity with a prior employer.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Section 4, Conflict of interest

Section 5, General duty

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making​

Section 15, Prohibited activities

Ng Report

December 13, 2022

​Mary Ng, Minister

​Awarding contracts to a company belonging to a friend.

​* Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

* Section 21, Recusal 

Report on alleged wrongdoing by a public office holder

December 1, 2022

​Unnamed executive, federal agency

​Using government resources to further the private interests of a company.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Section 5, General duty

Section 9, Influence

Scott Report

August 24, 2022

​Ian Scott, Chairperson and CEO, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

​Voting on a matter before an administrative tribunal in order to further private interests of a friend; appearance of a conflict of interest.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Morneau II Report

May 13, 2021

​Bill Morneau, Minister

​Failing to recuse himself from discussions and decisions involving a company whose co-founder was a friend; affording preferential treatment to a constituent by way of unfettered access to his ministerial staff.

​* Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

* Section 21, Recusal

Trudeau III Report

May 13, 2021

​Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

​Failing to recuse himself from decisions involving a company employing several of his relatives; appearance of a conflict of interest.

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

Section 21, Recusal

Report on alleged wrongdoing by a Deputy Minister

September 30, 2020

​Unnamed Deputy Minister 

​Seeking to influence a hiring decision.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Report on alleged wrongdoing by a tribunal member

July 9, 2020

​Unnamed administrative tribunal member

​Seeking to influence an internal selection process for training.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Qualtrough Report

April 22, 2020

​Carla Qualtrough, Minister

​Appointing a partisan supporter.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Miller Report

April 22, 2020

​Moreen Miller, Chairperson, Board of Directors, Defence Construction Canada

​Failing to disclose prior employment for a stakeholder of Defence Construction Canada.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Wernick Report

March 10, 2020

​Michael Wernick, former Clerk of Privy Council and Secretary to Cabinet

​Seeking to influence the decision of the Attorney General of Canada on whether to intervene in a criminal matter.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Section 9, Influence

Trudeau II Report

August 14, 2019

​Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

​Seeking to influence the decision of the Attorney General of Canada on whether to intervene in a criminal matter.

​* Section 9, Influence

Smolik Report

May 30, 2019

​Jim Smolik, former Assistant Chief Commissioner and Acting Chief Commissioner, Canadian Grain Commission

​Taking improper advantage of relationships, knowledge and expertise acquired while in public office to assist a new employer; making representations to the Canadian Grain Commission during the cooling-off period.

​* Section 33, Prohibitions after leaving office

* Subsection 35(2), Prohibition on representations

Kristmanson Report

December 12, 2018

​Mark Kristmanson, Chief Executive Officer, National Capital Commission

​Accepting gifts and other advantages from stakeholders who had ongoing and foreseeable official business with the National Capital Commission when the gifts were accepted.

​* Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

LeBlanc Report

September 12, 2018

​Dominic LeBlanc, Minister

​Making a decision to pursue issuing a fishing licence to a company connected to a relative. 

​* Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

* Section 21, Recusal 

Chapman Report

June 22, 2018

​Marie Chapman, Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

​Furthering the private interests of a friend by appointing them to a senior position.

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 21, Recusal 

Morneau Report

June 18, 2018

​Bill Morneau, Minister 

​Introducing a bill that could further his private interests; definition of private interests.

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 21, Recusal

Carson Report

June 7, 2018

​Bruce Carson, former Senior Advisor to Prime Minister

​Taking improper advantage of one’s previous public office to influence a decision in order to further the private interests of a significant other.

Section 33, Prohibitions after leaving office

The Trudeau Report, under the Act and the Code

December 20, 2017

​Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

​Failing to arrange one’s private affairs to avoid being in a conflict of interest; accepting gifts and other advantages from a stakeholder; accepting travel on a private aircraft. 

​Under the Act:

Section 5, General duty

Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

Section 12, Travel

* Section 21, Recusal 

The Wright Report

May 25, 2017

​Nigel Wright, Chief of Staff

​Seeking to influence and improperly further the private interests of a Member of the Senate by personally reimbursing the Senator for improperly claimed living expenses.

​* Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

* Section 9, Influence

The Toews Report

April 21, 2017

​Vic Toews, former Minister

​Providing contracted services to an organization with whom he had direct and significant dealings during his last year in office; providing strategic advice to an organization on a matter that was before the Crown.

​* Subsection 34(1), Previously acting for Crown

* Subsection 35(1), Prohibition on contracting

The Philpott Report

December 21, 2016

​Jane Philpott, Minister

​Giving preferential treatment to a company based on the identity of its owner, a partisan supporter of the Minister.

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

The Bennett Report

November 17, 2016

​Ian Bennett, President and CEO, Royal Canadian Mint

​Accepting a gift or other advantage from a stakeholder while contract negotiations between the government and the stakeholder were taking place.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

* Section 11, Gifts and other advantages

The Vennard Report

September 13, 2016

​Linda Vennard, Commissioner for Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

​Accepting gifts or other advantages from a stakeholder of an administrative tribunal.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

* Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

The Gill Report

February 24, 2016

​Parm Gill, Parliamentary Secretary

​Writing letters of support for constituents to an administrative tribunal.

​* Section 9, Influence

The Kosick Report

September 15, 2015

​Daniel Kosick, former Policy Advisor to a Minister

​Accepting an offer of employment with a company with whom the former ministerial staff member had direct and significant dealings during their last year in public office.

​* Subsection 35(1), Prohibition on contracting

The Finley Report

March 10, 2015

​Diane Finley, Minister

​Awarding a contract, based on partisan considerations, to an organization within the riding of a fellow party member.

​* Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

The Bonner Report

February 26, 2015

​Michael Bonner, Senior Policy Advisor to a Minister

​Accepting gifts or other advantages from government stakeholders who were registered to lobby his government department.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

* Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

December 2014 Report

December 4, 2014

​Unnamed MP, Minister and Deputy Minister

​Political intervention in the removal of a monetary penalty imposed on a corporation whose director was a constituent of the Member of the House of Commons in question.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

The Glover Report

November 20, 2014

​Shelley Glover, Minister

​Personally soliciting funds in the context of a political fundraiser.

Section 16, Fundraising

The Lynn Report

June 26, 2014

​John Lynn, Chief Executive Officer, Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation

​Working as a paid consultant while in public office.

Paragraph 15(1)(b), Prohibited activities (business or commercial activity)​* Paragraph 15(1)(e), Prohibited activities (paid consultant)

The Paradis Report, under the Act and the Code

December 3, 2013

​Christian Paradis, Minister

​Making representations to a Cabinet colleague to move a government service within the Minister’s riding, which would further the private interests of a constituent described as a friend.

​Under the Act:

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 9, Influence

Subsection 64(1), Activities on behalf of constituents

The Paradis Report

August 7, 2013

​Christian Paradis, Minister

​Accepting a gift or other advantage from an individual who was alleged to have been lobbying the government.

Section 5, General duty

Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

The Fonberg Report

April 30, 2013

​Robert Fonberg, Senior Associate Secretary, Treasury Board

​Giving preferential treatment to an organization based on the identity of the organization’s President, a former colleague and friend; furthering the private interests of a friend.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

Section 21, Recusal 

The Hill Report

March 26, 2013

​Jay Hill, former Minister

​Taking improper advantage of a former public office to assist a spouse with work at a public relations firm.

​* Section 33, Prohibitions after leaving office

Subsection 35(3), Prohibition on former ministers

Section 37, Report to Commissioner

The Sullivan Report

October 17, 2012

​Loyola Sullivan, former Canadian Ambassador for Fisheries Conservation

​Making representations to former departments during the cooling-off period.

​* Subsection 35(2), Prohibition on representations

Subsection 41(1), Order: official dealings

The Clement Report

July 18, 2012

​Tony Clement, Minister

​Using one’s ministerial title to promote a constituent’s private business.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

Section 9, Influence

The Heinke and Charbonneau Report

May 18, 2012

​Patrick Heinke and

Daniel Charbonneau, Members, Canada Industrial Relations Board

​Participating in the making of a decision that furthered the private interests of a former employer.

Section 68, Referral from Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Section 5, General duty

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

The Raitt Report

April 26, 2012

​Lisa Raitt, Minister

​Accepting a gift or other advantage from an air carrier whose employees were in labour negotiations with the government.

Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

The Paradis Report

March 22, 2012

​Christian Paradis, Minister

​Giving preferential treatment to a former colleague’s business by directing staff to set up a meeting with public servants.

​* Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

Section 9, Influence

The Dykstra Report, under the Act and the Code

September 7, 2010

​Rick Dykstra, Parliamentary Secretary

​Using public office for partisan fundraising; accepting a gift or other advantage from registered lobbyists.

​Under the Act:

Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

Section 16, Fundraising

The Raitt Report

May 13, 2010

​Lisa Raitt, Minister

​Accepting a gift or other advantage from a registered lobbyist; personally soliciting funds; request made in bad faith.

​Under the Act:

Subsection 11(1), Gifts and other advantages

Section 16, Fundraising

Section 18, Anti-avoidance

The Cheques Report under the Act and under the Code

April 29, 2010

​Various Members of the House of Commons, ministers and parliamentary secretaries

​Using partisan or personal identifiers in the promotion of government funding initiatives.

​Under the Act:

Section 5, General duty

Section 7, Preferential treatment

Section 8, Insider information

Section 9, Influence

Discontinuance Report relating to an examination of allegations of partisan advertising of government initiatives

January 13, 2010

​Prime Minister, various ministers and parliamentary secretaries

​Using public office and partisan advertising in the promotion of government funding initiatives.

Section 5, General duty

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 7, Preferential treatment

Section 9, Influence

The Watson Report

June 25, 2009

​Colin Watson, Member, Toronto Port Authority Board of Directors

​Voting on a matter that furthered the private interests of a friend’s company; definition of friendship.

Subsection 6(1), Decision-making

Section 21, Recusal

The Flaherty Report

December 18, 2008

​James Flaherty, Minister

​Furthering the private interests of an acquaintance by bypassing government rules relating to contracts and awarding untendered contracts to the acquaintance’s business.

​Under the 2006 Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders

Subsection 3(7), Not use their position

Subsection 22(3), Preferential treatment

Subsection 22(4), Influence

Subsection 22(8), Prohibited activities (1) to (7)

The Flaherty Report

July 16, 2008

​James Flaherty, Minister

​Introducing a measure in the federal budget that would further his private interests.

​Under the 2006 Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders

Subsection 3(4), Private interest

The Soudas Examination

June 4, 2008​

​Dimitri Soudas, Deputy Press Secretary and Senior Advisor

​Attempting to influence government officials to settle a dispute out of court, which would further the private interests of the company involved.

​Under the 2006 Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders

Subsection 3(7), Not use their position

Subsection 22(3), Preferential treatment

Subsection 22(4), Influence

Subsection 22(8), Prohibited activities (1) to (7)

​* Contraventions were found of provisions ​​marked by an asterisk​​


​​​Report an​d release date
​Subject of examination
​Relevant provisions of Code
* Contraventions were found of provisions marked b​y an asterisk

​​Ratansi Report

June 15, 2021

​Yasmin Ratansi, Member of the House of Commons

​Furthering the private interests of another person, publicly said to be the Member’s sister, by employing them in their constituency office.

​Section 3.1, Interpretation: purposes and principles

* Section 8, Furthering private interests

Subsection 28(5), Mitigated contravention

Maloney Report

November 19, 2020

​James Maloney, Member of the House of Commons

​Making an incomplete disclosure during the initial compliance process.

​* Subsection 20(1), Disclosure statement

Sanction recommended

Peschisolido Report

February 5, 2020

​Joe Peschisolido, Member of the House of Commons

​Failing to meet reporting requirements.

​* Subsection 20(1), Disclosure statement

* Subsection 21(3), Statement: material change

Vandenbeld Report

July 10, 2019

​Anita Vandenbeld, Member of the House of Commons

​Furthering the private interests of one’s spouse, a candidate in a municipal election, by using one’s position and public office to assist in the campaign.

​Section 9, Using influence

* Section 11, Attempts

Kusie Report

December 4, 2018

​Stephanie Kusie, Member of the House of Commons​

​Commenting publicly on a request for an inquiry.

​* Subsection 27(2.1), No public comment

Subsection 28(5), Mitigated contravention

Angus Report I

June 14, 2018

​Charlie Angus, Member of the House of Commons

​Commenting publicly on a request for an inquiry.

​* Subsection 27(2.1), No public comment

Angus Report II

June 14, 2018

​Charlie Angus, Member of the House of Commons

​Commenting publicly on a request for an inquiry.

​* Subsection 27(2.1), No public comment

The Trudeau Report, under the Act and the Code

December 20, 2017

​Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

​Accepting gifts or other benefits from a government stakeholder. 

​Under the Code:

Section 14, Prohibition: Gifts and other benefits

The Paradis Report, under the Act and the Code

December 3, 2013

​Christian Paradis, Minister

​Making representations to a member of Cabinet to move a government service within the riding of the Member, which would further the private interests of a constituent described as a friend.

​Under the Code:

Section 8, Furthering private interests

Section 9, Using influence

Section 5, engaging in activity on behalf of constituent

Paragraph 2(a), serving constituents to the best of the Member's ability

The Guergis Report

July 14, 2011

​Helena Guergis, Member of the House of Commons

​Using one’s public office to further the private interests of their spouse’s company.

​Under the Code:

Section 8, Furthering private interests and section 9, Using influence

The Dykstra Report, under the Act and the Code

September 7, 2010

​Rick Dykstra, Parliamentary Secretary

​Accepting gifts or other benefits from individuals with whom the public office holder had official dealings.

​Under the Code:

Section 8, Furthering private interests

Section 14, Prohibition: gifts and other benefits

The Raitt Report

May 13, 2010

​Lisa Raitt, Minister

​Accepting a gift or other benefit from a lobbyist; request made in bad faith.

​Under the Code:

Section 14, Prohibition: gifts and other benefits

Section 25, Evasion

Subsection 27(6) Non-meritorious requests

The Cheques Report

April 29, 2010

​Members of the House of Commons

​Using partisan or personal identifiers in the promotion of government funding programs.

​Under the Code:

Paragraph 2(b), Principles

Paragraph 2(c), Principles

Section 8, Furthering private interest

Response to the motion adopted by the House of Commons on June 5, 2008 for further consideration of The Thibault Inquiry Report

June 17, 2008

​Members of the House of Commons

​Removal of liabilities arising from a legal action to which a Member is a party where the legal action relates to their actions as a Member from the scope of private interests.

​Earlier findings of contraventions reversed in light of newly amended subsection 3(3), Definitions

The Thibault Inquiry

May 7, 2008

​Robert Thibault, Member of the House of Commons

​Whether and when a lawsuit constitutes a liability and consequently a “private interest" for the purpose of the Code.

​* Section 8, Furthering private interests

* Section 12, Disclosure of a private interest: House and committee

* Section 13, Debate and voting

Subsection 28(5), Mitigated contravention

* Contraventions were found of provisions marked by an asterisk​​​​

​The following inquiry reports under the Code, which was adopted by the House of Commons in April 2004, were is​sued by the Office of the Ethics Commissioner, a predecessor of the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner:

​​​Report an​d release date
​Subject of examination
​Relevant provisions of Code
* Contraventions were found of provisions marked by an asterisk

The Obhrai Inquiry

March 2007

​Deepak Obhrai, Member of the House of Commons

​Accepting gifts or other benefits in exchange for helping constituents with immigration matters; receiving renumeration for assisting a family member to immigrate.

Section 8, Furthering private interests

Section 9, Using influence

Section 14, Prohibition: gifts and other benefits

Subsection 27(7), Requirement to conduct inquiries in private

Subsection 27(4), Requirement to give reasonable written notice of a decision to initiate an inquiry

The Vellacott Inquiry

June 2006

Maurice Vellacott, Member of the House of Commons

​Failing to disclose travel costs paid by a third party.

​* Subsection 15(1), Sponsored travel

The Gallant Inquiry

June 2006

​Cheryl Gallant, Member of the House of Commons

​Using insider information to further the Member’s private interests; definition of private interests.

​Subsection 3(2), Definitions

Section 8, Furthering private interests

Subsection 10(1), Insider information

The Harper-Emerson Inquiry

March 2006

​Stephen Harper, Prime Minister

David Emerson, Member of the House of Commons

​Initiating an inquiry during the dissolution of ​Parliament; public office holder furthering the private interests of a Member of the Opposition by offering them a Cabinet position; Member furthering their own private interests by “crossing the floor” to accept a Cabinet position.

​Section 8, Furthering private interests

Section 9, Using influence

Subsection 10(1), Insider information

The Grewal-Dosanjh Inquiry

January 2006

​Gurmant Grewal, Member of the House of Commons

Ujjal Dosanjh, Minister

​Voting on a matter to further one’s own private interests; attempting to entrap another Member into improper conduct.

​Section 8, Furthering private interests

Section 11, Attempts

The Smith Inquiry

December 2005

​David Smith, Member of the House of Commons

​Failing to disclose a private interest.

​Section 18, Partnerships and private corporations

Section 19, Pre-existing contracts

The Grewal Inquiry

June 2005

​Gurmant Grewal, Member of the House of Commons

​Profiting from individuals seeking the Member’s support on immigration matters; error in judgment made in good faith.

​*Apparent conflict of interest

Subsection 28(5), M​itigated contravention​

* Contraventions were found of provisions marked by an asterisk​

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