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Commissioner Dion reports on a referral from the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

​​Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion has repo​rted on a matter referred to him in August 2022 by the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner. 

It was alleged that the head of a federal organization placed themselves in a conflict of interest by engaging in activities involving their previous employer in the context of their public duties, and appeared to give favourable treatment to a topic that is their field of expertise.  

Having considered the information, Commissioner Dion did not have any reason to believe that the subject of the allegations may have contravened the Conflict of Interest Act, did not launch an examination under section 45 of the Act, and considers this matter closed. 

As outlined in the report, the referral by the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner serves as a reminder to all public office holders to ensure they are familiar with the rules related to outside activities under section 15 of the Act. 

The Report on alleged wrongdoing by the head of a federal organization​ has been provided to the Prime Minister and made public under secti​on 68 of the Act. Additional information on outside activities is available on the website. 

For more information, please call 613-995-0721 or email

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