News Release
Ottawa, November 19, 2020
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion has reported on his inquiry under the
Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons into the conduct of Mr. James Maloney, Member of Parliament for Etobicoke–Lakeshore. The
Maloney Report was tabled in the House of Commons today.
Commissioner Dion found that Mr. Maloney contravened subsection 20(1) of the Code by failing to fully disclose his private interests and those of his family members within a reasonable time even after his extended deadline of February 7, 2020 for doing so had passed. As the first step in the initial compliance process, Members must fully disclose those interests to the Commissioner within 60 days after notice of their election is published in the
Canada Gazette.
This is the first time a federal Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner has recommended a sanction in an inquiry report.
“The initial compliance process set out in the Code is not simply an administrative requirement. It's a key means of supporting one of the Code's purposes: maintaining and enhancing public confidence and trust in the integrity of Members. When Members fully disclose their private interests and those of their family members to the Commissioner in a timely manner, my staff and I can advise them appropriately on what measures are needed to avoid conflicts of interest."
“When a Member is found to have contravened the Code, the Commissioner may recommend in the inquiry report that the House of Commons impose appropriate sanctions. In this case, I have recommended that the House require Mr. Maloney to apologize to it for having failed to fulfill his obligations as a Member under the Code."
“This report should serve as a reminder to Members of the House of Commons of the importance of meeting their compliance obligations under the Code. The Code's compliance rules ensure transparency and help keep them accountable to Canadians. Advisors in our Office and I are always available to provide Members with direction and advice on how to avoid conflicts of interest."
Under subsection 20(1) of the Code, Members must file a full, confidential statement of their private interests and those of their family members to the Commissioner within 60 days after notice of their election to the House of Commons is published in the Canada Gazette. Mr. Maloney's deadline for doing so was January 7, 2020.
After the October 2019 election, 18% of Members of the House of Commons requested an extension to the 60-day deadline for submitting a Disclosure Statement. Considering the fact that the Office asked for more information or supporting documents in some cases, disclosure statements for 97% of Members were complete within the 60-day deadline or within a month of the deadline.
The Office upholds the highest standard of accountability in administering the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons and the Conflict of Interest Act efficiently and effectively. Commissioner Dion does not hesitate to enforce the Code as appropriate.
The Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner was created under the Federal Accountability Act. The Commissioner applies the
Conflict of Interest Act for public office holders and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons.
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