Ottawa, March 27, 2018
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Commissioner of Lobbying Nancy Bélanger on cooperation between their offices in the areas of education and outreach.
"Upon taking office, I signalled that education and outreach would be a key focus of my approach in order to help Members of the House of Commons and public office holders understand and meet their obligations under the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons and the Conflict of Interest Act," Commissioner Dion said. "This Memorandum of Understanding is an example of that commitment in action."
Lobbyists are governed by a different regime, administered by the Commissioner of Lobbying, than Members of the House of Commons and public office holders. However, there is some overlap between the conflict of interest and lobbying regimes in the area of gifts, for example, when lobbyists offer gifts to public office holders or Members of the House of Commons.
The MOU will help ensure that Members of the House of Commons, public office holders and lobbyists receive consistent, comprehensive and clear guidance about their obligations under their respective regimes. Activities will include contributing to the development of educational material and organizing or contributing to workshops and other educational events.
The Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner administers the conflict of interest rules for Members of the House of Commons and public office holders in order to enhance the trust and confidence of the Canadian public in the conduct of elected and appointed officials at the federal level.
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