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Quarterly Statistical Report 2024-2025

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Q1 – April to June 2024

individuals subject to conflict of inte​rest regimes

​​​​​​ 334 1,491
​Members of the House of Commons
​​​Reporting public office holders
​Public office holders without reporting obligations
​​​ (79 ​​ministers and parliamentary secretaries,
838 ministerial staff,
573 ​people appointed to other positions)

MPs are el​ected.​​

Public office holders​ are appointed.​​​​​​

Conflict of interests prevention​

The Office helps Memb​ers of the House of Commons and Public office holders prevent conflicts of interests by:

​​Members of the House of Commons​
​​​​​​​​​Public office holders
​​Contacting them as soon as they take office
1 time
​​166 times
Ensuring they complete the initial compliance process
2 processes
94 processes
Giving them advice
222 times
722 times
​Following up with them every year
75 reminders
​​370 reminders
​​Posting information in the public registry
​​158 times
265​​ times
​Telling them about the post-employment rules
​​91 times


80% of new reporting public office holders met all deadlines.

​The Office contacted new public office holders and MPs within 3 business days in 88​​% of cases.


When a​​​n MP o​r a public office holder has questio​ns, they ask advisors at the Office for confidential advice.​

Members received advice 222 times
Public office holders received advice 722 times
​Material changes : 52%
General obligations: 34%
General obligations: 28​%Material changes: 27%
Gifts and other benefits: 15% Gifts or other advantages: 15%
​​​​​Letters of support and fundraising:​ 5%
Post-employment obligations14%
Outside activities: 10%

​The number of requests for advice was about the same as the last quarter.

​​​​ The Office re​sponded to standard requests within 3 business days in 89% of cases.


The ​Office added information to t​​h​e Public Registry:

158 times for MPs
265 times from public office holders 
​​​​Disclosure summaries126
Agreed compliance measure: 13
Gifts and other benefits: 13
Assets: 13
Material changes: 11 Gifts or other advantages: 43
Sponsored travel: 7
Liabilities: 15
​​Private interest​1
​Outside activities: 51

Recusals: 17

Summary statements78

Travel: 2

​Other​: 0

​T​her​e were more postings than in t​he last quarter.​

  • The public registry​ is updated daily and can be accessed online.

  • You can search it by date, type of declaration, regime, or an individual's name.

  • The information in the registry is the only information the Office can make public.​​

3,550 pu​​blic registry visitors

​32,600 public registry views

After an MP or public ​office holder leaves office, their information is removed.​​



All public office holders are subject to some rules even after they leave their position.

91 public office holders left office this quarter​

Former reporting public office holders face extra rules for one or two years after they leave office (cooling-off period​)​


​323 ​former public office holders were in their cooling-off period

​​They can ask for an exemption, waiver, or reduction of their cooling-off period​

​​2 exemptions, waivers, or reductions granted



0 notices of violation sent

Reporting public office holders who miss a reporting deadline may have to pay an administrative monetary penalty (fine). Before issuing a penalty, the Office sends them a notice of violation.


Administrative monetary penalties

Two $200 penalties paid for failing to disclose a material change relating to assets.​

​​All penalties are posted in the public registry.


Case files opened and closed (a case file is a concern that is reviewed by the Office​)​​​

​​​​ ​7 c​a​se files (new and carried over)
​  0 repor​ts published
​​  case ​file​s closed
Subject of case files Source of case files?
2 ministers or parliamentary secretaries
memb​ers of the general public
​​Members of the House of ​Commons
​3 Member​s of the House of ​Commons
3 pub​lic office holders
​​​1 media
​​​0 persons not subject to Act or Code 0 within the Commissioner's Office
0 Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

​​ The Office's​ target is to finish investigations in 12 months


​​​Requests from the public
Requests from the media Social media
108 requests 
29 media requests 
28 X posts 
83 outside mandate
1 interview granted
4,326 X f​ollowers​
25 within​​ mandate
2,051 media mentions​
6,697 X mentions
*see case files for investigation requests

​30 LinkedIn posts

​​​​775 Link​​edIn followers​
ParliamentTraining and Education
21,880 website visitors
65,250 website views
39% percentage of Questio​n​ Periods where ​the ​Office was mentioned​
164 ​participants

Responded to standard media requests withi​n 4 hours in 93% of cases.

Respond​ed to standard public requests within 10 days in 87% of cases.

More information


Helping ​Reg​ulatees Comply​​
​Public Registry
Annual Reports​ ​Submission Forms
Investigation Reports


To ​obtain the data used to produce t​​his repo​​​​rt, please contact us.​

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