Q1 – April to June 2021

Members of the House of Commons
Reporting public office holders (full-time)
Public office holders without reporting
obligations (part-time)
| (74 ministers and parliamentary secretaries,
546 Governor-in-Council appointees, 798 ministerial staff)
| |
Compared to the previous quarter, the number of regulatees changed by 0%
How does the Office help Members of the House of Commons and Public Office Holders prevent and avoid conflicts between their public duties and private interests?
By contacting them as soon as they are elected or appointed
187 communications |
By ensuring the complete the initial compliance process
87 processes
By giving them advice
215 instances
733 instances
By following up with them annually
120 reminders/reviews
207 reminders/reviews
By posting declarable information in the public registry
122 postings
195 postings
By reminding them of their post-employment obligations
146 communications
First contact with new public office holders and Members was established within 3 business days in 91% of cases
Material changes: 66%
Material changes: 40%
General obligations: 24%
| General obligations: 27%
Gifts and other benefits: 6%
Post-employment obligations: 15%
Letters of support and fundraising: 4%
Outside activities: 15%
Gifts or other advantages: 3%
Responded to standard requests within 3 business days in 90% of cases
Disclosure summaries: 90
Agreed compliance measures: 9 |
Gifts and other benefits: 6
Assets: 27
Material changes: 26 |
Gifts or other advantages: 3
Sponsored travel:
Liabilities: 13
Private interests: 0
Outside activities: 42
Recusals: 4
Summary statements: 83
Travel: 0
Compared to the previous quarter, the number of declarations has increased by 20%
Post-employment rules (Conflict of Interest Act only)
Public office holders are subject to post-employment rules after they leave public office.
Public office holders who left this quarter:
Additional rules apply to former reporting public office holders for one or two years after they leave office (cooling-off period)
| 228 former public office holders are still subject to additional rules |
Upon request, the
Commissioner may grant an exemption, waiver or reduction regarding the duration of the cooling-off period | 
| 3 post-employment exemptions, waivers or reductions were granted |
Filing deadlines
Notices of violation
Administrative monetary penalties
Percentage of newly appointed
reporting public office holders who
met all filing deadlines
| When a reporting public office holder does not meet a reporting requirement, they are sent a Notice of Violation and given
30 days
to either pay the administrative monetary penalty or make written representations to the Commissioner
5 notices of violation sent to public office holders
0 failures to report all relevant information as part of the Confidential Report
3 failures to report a material change
0 failures to sign a Summary Statement within
120 days of appointment
All administrative monetary penalties are tweeted and can be found on our public registry
How many case files were opened and closed this quarter?
17 case files (new and carried over)
| 3 reports published
| 10 case files closed
Who is the subject of these case files? |
What was the source of these case files? |
7 ministers or parliamentary secretaries
2 members of the general public
8 Members of the House of Commons
12 members of the House of Commons
2 public office holders
2 media
0 persons not subject to the Act or the Code |
1 within the Office
The Office's target is to conduct examinations and inquiries in 12 months
Responded to standard media requests within 4 hours in 100% of cases
Responded to standard public requests within 10 days in 80% of cases
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