If you are subject to the Conflict of Interest Act as a reporting public office holder, you face restrictions when it comes to employment and certain other outside activities.
You are not allowed to:
have another job;
practise a profession;
manage or operate a business or commercial activity;
serve as a director or officer in a corporation or organization;
hold office in a union or professional association;
serve as a paid consultant; or
be an active partner in a partnership.
These are blanket prohibitions. They apply whether or not a conflict of interest is involved.
I have the discretion to grant exceptions to the Act's prohibition on outside activities in three specific situations.
If you need to engage in employment or the practice of a profession in order to retain any licensing or professional qualifications or standards of technical proficiency.
Continuing as, or becoming, a director or officer in a Crown corporation as defined in section 83 of the Financial Administration Act.
And, continuing as, or becoming, a director or officer in an organization of a philanthropic, charitable or non-commercial nature.
Any exceptions that I grant are made public.
The Conflict of Interest Act does not restrict political activities. For example, you are allowed to sit on the board of directors of a political party or riding association, but may have to publicly declare that activity.
It also does not generally restrict volunteer activities. You may participate in such activities as long as they do not place you in a conflict of interest.
You must include in your Confidential Report information about outside activities in which you engaged in the two years before your appointment.
If you are a minister or parliamentary secretary, you must also make reasonable efforts to include this information for each member of your family.
If you begin a new outside activity after completing the initial compliance process, you must notify my Office of this material change within 30 days.
If you fail to provide this information within the deadlines, you could be subject to an administrative monetary penalty of up to $500.
If you participate in a prohibited activity while in public office, I may issue a compliance order requiring you to cease the prohibited activity.
If I have reason to believe you are engaging in prohibited outside activities, I may also conduct an investigation that I will report on publicly.
Consult our website for more information or consult your advisor in our Office.