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Transcript - Fundraising

​If you are a public office holder who engages in fundraising activities, you must be a​ware of your obligations under the Conflict of Interest Act in order to avoid placing yourself in a conflict of interest.


​You are allowed to fundraise for charitable or political purposes, as long as these activities do not place you in a conflict of interest. For example:

  • you may solicit money and sell tickets or issue invitations to fundraising events for a charity or an electoral district association

You may also:

  • be an honorary patron;

  • lend your name to a trust fund; and

  • participate in sponsored events such as sports tournaments or races


​To avoid placing yourself in a conflict of interest when you're fundraising:

  • do not identify yourself as a public office holder

    • for example, don't send requests from your organization's email address or use its letterhead

  • do not use departmental or ministerial resources for fundraising

    • for example, don't direct your staff to do mail-outs, or hold meetings at your offices

  • do not solicit funds from anyone that your office has had or may have official dealings with

  • do not solicit funds from anyone who has lobbied you or might lobby you

  • do not establish a charity to raise money to benefit your private interests or those of a relative or friend


​Keep in mind:

  • If you have solicited donations from someone who later has official dealings with you, you must recuse yourself from any discussion, decision, debate or vote concerning that person.

  • Also, if you have solicited funds from someone with whom you will have regular official dealings in the future, our Office can help you put in place an appropriate compliance measure, such as a conflict of interest screen.


Consult our website for more information or consult your advisor in our Office.

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