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How to request an examination

​​​If you are a parliamentarian…​

Parliamentarians who wish to request an examination under the Conflict of Interest ​Act​ may fill out and submit the following form: 

Only Senators or Members of the House of Commons who have reasonable grounds to believe someone has contravened the Conflict of Interest Act may ask the Commissioner to investigate. The processes the Commissioner must follow in response to a request for investigation from a parliamentarian are described in an information notice at the following link: Investigations under the Act​.

​If you are no​t a parliamentarian…

The Commissioner also has the discretion, under section 45 of the Conflict of​ Interest Act, to initiate an examination if the Commissioner has reason to believe that a public office holder or former public office holder has contravened the Act. The Commissioner may decide to do so based on information from various sources, including media reports and complaints from members of the public.

Members of the public are welcome to submit information about alleged contraventions of the Act for the Commissioner's consideration. (Information from the public that is brought to the Commissioner's attention by ​a Senator or Member of the House of Commons may also be considered.)

If you have information you wish to bring to the Commissioner's attention, you may fill out and submit the following form:  

Because of the confidential nature of investigations under the Act, the Office does not publicly disclose whether or about whom an examination initiated under section 45 has been commenced. Neither does it notify members of the public about the disposition of complaints they have made.​

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